Book Review - Lazy City
Lazy City is written in wry, sometimes repetitive prose, reflecting the level of Erin’s intoxication. The bar scenes are fun; each pub has its own ambience. We are given fleeting glimpses of other lives through various drunken encounters and “afters”. Connolly adds immediacy by writing dialogue in italics, tightly woven into the narration.
Belfast-born, Connolly offers a nuanced portrait of her home city: “a place which shows all its history, all its personality, all the time… it’s not just the recent history, the flags and religion and borders. It’s the mountains everywhere, too.” In one passage the view from a flat is described with a cinematic attention to detail: a giant glass window, “like something out of an aquarium” overlooks a convenience shop “half the lights on its sign out, Fuck IRA scum spray-painted in black on the red brick wall. Red, white and blue kerbstones and orange and purple flags down the road. An Ormeau Road flat pretending it’s a penthouse suite.”
The only constant in Erin’s life is her faith. She visits several churches, and reveals her grief and disconnection in prayer. Erin betrays, and is deceived by, the two men she sleeps with, and yet it is some measure of Connolly’s skill that we retain sympathy for her flawed, messy heroine.