Theatre review - The Girl on the Train
Based on Paula Hawkins bestselling thriller, The Girl on the Train, explores the intertwined lives of three women: Rachel, Anna, and Megan. It opens with Rachel (Katie Ray) lying on the floor after a heavy night’s drinking. She’s woken from her stupor by a detective (Cavin Cornwall) investigating the disappearance of a woman.
Thirty-something Rachel is divorced from Tom (Tom Gordon) who left her for Anna (Tori Hargreaves). They now have a baby together. Rachel’s drinking has caused her to lose her job but she continues to take the train to and from work every morning and afternoon.
Her journey takes her past the house where Tom and Anna live, as well that of their attractive neighbours, Scott (Scott Hume) and Megan (Chrystine Symone). One day, Rachel sees Megan embracing another man. Then she learns that Megan is missing.
The story hinges on the fact that Rachel is a potential witness to a murder but is considered unreliable given her frequent alcoholic blackouts.
In Rachel Wagstaff and Duncan Able’s fragmented adaptation, we get little of Rachel’s inner turmoil and are presented with a series of confrontations between Rachel and the various suspects including Megan’s therapist, Dr. Kamal Abdic (Kirk Smith). Fortunately, solid performances elevate the sketchily drawn characters.
Joseph Hodges’ production is well-paced, but the one-tone script lacks the psychological complexity of the novel and takes the edge off an otherwise enjoyable evening.
July 3